There is nothing quite like a project that fully engrosses you. The campaign, Be a Part of Something Mammoth, has done just that to me for the last few months. I knew very little about the park, only a few mouthfuls about the non-profit group running the campaign, but I have learned a great deal in a short amount of time. The IndieGogo campaign was launched last Wednesday the 15th, and so far I think the reception has been positive. While it hasn't quite hit our first $1,000 mark, we're very close and not even a week into it. Granted the final goal is $70,000, but any amount is amazing. It gets them just that much closer to their goal.

While I'm not a member of the non-profit group running the show, Friends of Big Bone, being so close to the action and neck deep in it has made me passionate about their cause. They made me care! That's one of the great perks to being a freelancer and getting to work so close with my clients; their passion for their projects can rub off on me and make me want them to succeed just as much as they do. If not more so since my work is the face of their project. When I worked for a large company, I may have never met the clients or even just their liaison for a project. I heard names of the decision makers, but never saw their face or had a reason to meet with them. I was in the background, making graphics according to a sheet of must-haves or avoid-this items. I had no reason to be emotionally invested or even excited for what they were doing. I was so far removed that I couldn't care. Now, after breaking out solo, I WANT to care about each client and project.

I meet new clients in the flesh, in a relaxed environment, chit-chat with them and get an opportunity to understand why they do what is it they're doing. I get to see the people behind the brands/products/services/causes and that makes it worth while for me. Who wouldn't want to work with people like that? Granted there are some clients I've never met in person due to the distance between us. But I still treat every client the same; like a person.

If you want to see the glorious final product that is the Be a Part of Something Mammoth campaign, you can check it out here:

Feel free to donate and/or share the campaign with everyone you think would want to help out or would enjoy the perks being offered. The

Friends of Big Bone made me care, and I want everyone to care too!

The campaign runs till May 15th, so get to it! And thanks!

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Shameless self promotion time!

OK, not entirely shameless. I'm pretty proud of this current endeavor I get to be a part of.

My good friends at Friends of Big Bone are launching a social media campaign to precede a fundraiser for their visitor center. The goal is to raise $70,000 by the end of the year. The first fund raising campaign will target $20,000 to complete phase 01 of the project, and will launch on April 1st. We are still narrowing down the crowd funding platform, but I'll update that when we've secured it. If you want to be one of the cool kids and donate before the launch date, you can do so here. The funds will go to update the visitor's center at Big Bone Lick State Park.

New displays, wall murals, and lots of other great improvements to the facility.

Big Bone Lick is an amazing park, and I'm not just saying that. I love going for hikes in the woods and once the snow is gone, I'll be making a lot more trips out there. This is a great area to visit and has a lot of history that goes all the way back to the last ice age. If you've never been, check it out! I'm a fan of palaeontology and they have found lots of bones in the park. A giant ground sloth was just one of many specimens that have been discovered there. They also have a live bison herd on the grounds. Come spring time, there should be a new calf or two walking around.

Why am I sharing all of this? Well, I'm working on the social media side and I can't help but gush about it. For the campaign, I created Harlan, full name Harlan G. Sloth, a giant ground sloth character that will be the figure head of the project. He has his own Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts. Not only did I create the character, I made a puppet. Yes, of all the weird and fun things I've made in correspondence to my career, this is the first time I've made a puppet mascot. See how awesome he is below! He's also got business cards. While he's traveling around, I'll hand out his cards so more people can follow the quickest giant ground sloth on Earth. Or really, the only giant ground sloth on Earth. He just woke up from a 10,000 year nap and just realized he's the only one left. Kind of a bummer, but he's up for exploring and making new friends.

I hope I've peaked your interests and you swing by Harlan's accounts to see what fun things he's doing! Share with everyone you know! He'll be traveling around the tri-state area, but mostly northern Kentucky and Cincinnati. If you run into him, nap a photo and tag him. If there's a place you think Harlan should check out, let me know!
Harlan and all his giant ground sloth glory.
Harlan relaxingFull Harlan

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